Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Lone Survivor

Hans felt his way through the inky unlit sewers. He ran his hand against the sleek metal wall, desperately wishing that they hadn't stalked through the entrance, He was alerted in all senses and ready for a fight. He pulled out his musky flashlight wanting it to somehow still work, but like most other technology it had been wiped out during the storm. He heard something behind him, it was the sound of low moaning they were getting closer, he could sense them. Trapped souls, looking for a way out. He kept on.
After fifteen minutes of  walking he came across a few grimy boxes strewn across the murky black sewage. He picked one up and investigated it before slipping his hands through and opening it, “Batteries!” there were so many batteries. He picked one up and inserted it into his flashlight. It flickered before flashing on revealing a man curled on one side, Hans stumbled back in fear “ar- are you okay?!” Hans exclaimed.
An eerie silence filled the sewers “g- go” stuttered the man. “wh-CRASH!” Hans turned around, two green gooey blobs slithered towards him “Argh-!” screamed the man as one latched onto his face, his screams were quickly cut of, He was dead..

Hans scurried down the long tunnel, not daring to look back. He knew they were still on his tail, he could hear their distinct moans. He kept on until he found a ladder leading up to the surface. Hans didn’t care about the radiation that would pierce his soul. He hoisted himself up being careful not to slip on the rusty metal he pushed against the round lid preventing him from getting out, the moans were getting louder he was getting desperate he slammed his fist into the lid swinging it open

To reveal darkness, it was night. He climbed up the last few bars and stood up among an abandoned world hoping that someday in his lifetime, the world would grow normal again...

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